

Calenday: Shared Calendars to Plan Togeth
Real-time collaborative calendars for trip planning, I will try it with my friends for my next vacation after COVID:(

Hackathon Starter: A boilerplate for Node.js web applications
An MVC Project based on Node.js. Well done on authentication with Twitter, Facebook, Google, GitHub, LinkedIn, Instagram Flash notifications. Maybe add a access control module so that roles & permissions can ge implemented for Authorization. Also, decoupled external notifications/push notifications, queues/internal jobs etc are beneficial for a project.

React Admin 4.0: An Admin Panel for B2B Applications
A frontend Framework for building B2B applications running in the browser on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using ES6, React and Material Design. MIT licensed, but does have a professional version too if support is required.

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Module Bundler

Webpack and Vite both are module bundlers which take multiple JavaScript files and combine them into a single file that can run in the browser.

How does Webpack work?


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Alert: peacenotwar module sabotages npm developers in the node-ipc package to protest the invasion of Ukraine


Shader Park: Create Interactive 2D and 3D Shaders with JavaScript
Shader Park is a library that simplifies creating procedural graphics using javascript. With just a few lines of code, create shaders which are: Animated, Interactive and 2D or 3D.
It allows folks who aren't necessarily familiar with writing shaders to create amazing interactive 3D graphics, skipping all the difficult boilerplate and math.
It has a lot of fun examples to explore. These examples is using WebGL, I suggest using a platform that supports a modern browser to open it, safari or any ios browser may not support.

React Flow: A highly customizable React component for building node-based editors and interactive diagrams

MDX: Markdown for the component era
Use JSX in Markdown Documents

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We know npm is a package manager, we caninstall node.js packages using npm. But what is npx?
I guess that everyone is confused when we start to learn React and see this code

npx create-react-app my-app

Let talk about npx and see what is the difference between npm and npx.

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Map and Object both are data collection types, they all store key-value pairs.


Key type

Property names must be strings. This means that non-string objects cannot be used as keys in the object. Any non-string object, including a number, is typecasted into a string via the toString method

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Before Starting

Why I want to build my own blog?

A blog can help me record all the knowledge I learned.

Why use Hexo and github page?

I am looking for a framework that supports markdown and the ability to host online free of charge and has support for continuous deployment whenever I check in my markdown file.
There are various popular static HTML generator frameworks available in the market, such as hugo, jeykill, and hexo. I decided to go with Hexo framework and GitHub Pages for hosting.

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NextT is a high quality elegant Hexo theme. I used it in this Blog.

1 Install NextT

1) Install NextT

Download NextT files to theme

# change to your hexo folder (it is blog in my case)
$ cd blog

# clone NextT from github
$ git clone https://github.com/next-theme/theme-next-docs
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